Viewing entries tagged
Assault Bike Calories

WoD - Thursday 6th October, 2022

WoD - Thursday 6th October, 2022

Here we go, and you thought like Christmas it would never come! Nope, we are here. However, please don’t get too excited as tomorrow is waaaaaay worse! 😬


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 - 20 - 10
Assault bike calories
Toes to bar

Split Jerk
3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
Increasing load
Snatch balance
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

WoD - Wednesday 23rd September, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 23rd September, 2020

Now had I not been doing CrossFit for 13 years, and had I not owned a CrossFit affiliate for 10 I would feel slightly sorry for you for doing this. But I have and so therefore I am not!

It will be fun and worth it once it’s over, what is it they say…you have to be cruel to…program a shitfest like this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
21/18 Calorie bike
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
9 Burpees

Please vomit outside before you get those blistering times up to the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 10th September, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 10th September, 2019

It is entirely possible that 3 days in The Gower with multiple beach walks per day, with open water swimming, ball chasing, hole digging and serious pooping…right in front, literally right in front, of a poor yet extremely stuck up woman nearly breaks a 9 month old GSP.

Bizarrely enough, he wasn’t his usually energetic state this morning. #mulleredbutstillhandsomeAF

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds, each for time:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
200m run
Rest 8 minutes between rounds

Plenty of rest allows for plenty of SPRINTING! Scores for each round to the board please…


WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2019

WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2019

Get yourselves ready, there is only one thing that is coming your way…lots of thrusters and more pull ups. Likely to be of the chest to bar variety. One more chance to knock Fraser from the top of the leaderboard, and I have ultimate faith in you guys.

Entirely off subject, but still very cool…a very old friend of mine owns this kick ass company, where he sells a bunch of sexy arsed gear to keep you warm in the winter months. Now I know that soon enough you will be moaning about the weather, and that it’s too hot…blah blah, but this shit will keep for next year…and there is a bad ass sale on too!

Tommy and I were in the Marines together, in fact he was my first boss. As a 16 year old, he helped to mould me into a vaguely passable man, ensuring that I knew exactly how to evade irate away taxi drivers when required. Following a successful career in the Royal Marines, qualifying as a Mountain Leader, he decided to leave and pursue a passion. Jöttnar was the result.
Maybe when we are next all drunk I will tell you a few stories!

Now, get your arses on this site and pick up some serious sexy stash…

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

Within teams of 3, complete as many reps as possible within 30 minutes of:
Max Calorie Assault Bike
As many rounds as possible of:
200m Run
20 GHD Sit Ups
2 Ring Muscle Ups

In this workout, one athlete will be on the Assault Bike, another will perform 1 round of the AMRAP and the final athlete will rest. Rotate through each for 30 minutes.
Please write total AB Calories and rounds and reps to the whiteboard once the dust has settled


WoD - Wednesday 30th January, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 30th January, 2019

Through absolutely no choice of his own, Oppo will be spending the majority of the day at the gym tomorrow, wandering around, cutting loose, helping me coach you all to elite levels of fitness.
Now he will of course be contained, as being the beast he is, this is certainly required. However, he has been marked as a very accomplished escape artist and can and will, lick any unsuspecting person; from 10 ft and with no prior warning! You, have been warned.

With Op’s in hand, I will be focused on getting you lot a significant response on the assault bike, as well as chase the little legend around, poised with a floor wipe, as apparently he is too posh to pee outside.

Come down and get in line for a cwtch, and if anyone knows how to use a papoose then I am all ears!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 4 Rounds, each for max reps:
Within 3mins Complete: 
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike*
20/15 Calorie Row
Burpees Over The Rower
Rest 9 Minutes

*There will be a strict 1 minute cap on the assault bikes. My last piece of advice is…do not be lulled into a false sense of security!

Good luck and please record total burpees, across 4 rounds, to the whiteboard…

Oppo Cwtches.jpeg