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WoD - Wednesday 4th November, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 4th November, 2020

A cheeky at home hero workout, once which doesn’t really need any movement modification and will happily punch you in the reproductive organs is always welcomed.
Tomorrow, we go through one of the first ever workouts programmed during lockdown. A benchmark girl, “Annie”.

Get a rolled up towel, hoody, pillow or a small to medium sized dog and chuck it underneath your lower back. Anchor or un-anchor your feet…get after it. Just watch our for skimming your light bulbs if you are inside or wrecking your rope if you’re not.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 rep of
Double Unders*
Sit ups

Check out your last scores and personal bests and get out there and beat them! Tag pictures to IG or FB…


WoD - Tuesday 7th August, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 7th August, 2018

Team. As a reminded the gym will be closed this coming weekend for a CrossFit Kids seminar. Two more legends from CrossFit Cardiff will be learning just how to teach little nippers to eventually become bad ass CrossFit ninja's, capable of taking over the world and kicking their mum and dad's asses in everything! 
As a result. Keep your eyes peeled for new ventures, seeing as now we will have enough man power to cover classes every week. Watch this space. 

Anyway, so that you are able to get your fix of fitness, we will be running a class at 5:30pm, this Sunday for a team WoD We wouldn't want you lot to miss out on some weekly fitness now hey?! Just remember however...taking a day or two of rest is actually good for you, and your mother definitely does NOT hate you for taking a day off! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Hip and Back Extension teach and accessory work

B: "Annie"
For TIme:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 reps of:
Double Unders
Sit Ups. 

This is a benchmark girl, meaning you need to go nuts!! Please use soft matt's to avoid the dreaded 'monkey butt!' 
Write your times to the board, pb's in red please... 

Yep...that's a teenager snatching 120kg! 

Yep...that's a teenager snatching 120kg!