Pinch, punch, 1st of the month… MUTHER F**KERS!
The bad news is that it is 100% definitely not summer anymore but, the good news is that we are one month closer to next summer! I have some more bad news for you I’m sorry, read below! 😬
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds each for time of:
30/25 Calorie assault bike*
10 Thrusters (40/30kg)
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
*Bike calories reduce by 5 each round
Bar muscle up
Every minute, on the minute for 16 minutes:
1: ‘x’ Bar muscle up
2: 30 Double unders
3: 10 - 15 GHD sit up
4: Rest
‘X’= 10 - 20% of 5 minute bar muscle up test. Or choose a challenging rep range which takes 20-30s
4 Sets:
6 - 12 Ring pull up
6 - 12 Ring dip
3 Sets:
6 - 12 Rotating Toes to bar