WoD - Tuesday 9th April, 2024
I did tell you it was bad hey. I mean it wouldn’t have really mattered, there’s no way you’d have ever thought it could’ve been that bad. My arms, lats, traps, biceps, legs and back were all hanging off of me for days!
You are going to love the DOMs from that one. No hair washing for the rest of the week.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunge
12 - 12 - 12 - 12 - 12
Increase load each set
Rest for an undisclosed period of time, then…
For time:
30/25 Calorie assault bike
Rest 2 minutes
20/18 Calorie assault bike
Pull ups
3 Minutes max pull ups
4 Sets
5 Strict chest to bar pull ups
15 GHD sit ups
10 Elevated ring rows
For 6 rounds, every 1 minute
10s L-sit