Please remember that the lunchtime class today has unfortunately been canceled.
The real reason for yesterday was that everyone needed an additional days rest after Mikey B had destroyed you on Saturday. You are welcome!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 12 minutes of:
Run 200m
18 GHD sit ups
12 Dumbbell snatch (50/35lbs)
Every minute, on the minute for 16 minutes:
1: ‘x’ Bar muscle ups
2: 30 - 50 double unders
3: 10 - 20 GHD sit ups
4: Rest
‘X’= 10-20% of 5 minute BMU test. Or choose a challenging rep range which takes 20-30s
4 Sets:
6 - 12 Strict ring pull up
Rest 30s
6 - 12 Strict ring dip
Rest 90s
3 Sets:
10/10 Straight arm plank rotations