Let’s hope you are reading this blog with the ability to actually hold your phone out in front of you with the power provided by your own biceps, rather than leaning it on something. Standing up tall and proud, without your forehead propping you up on a wall somewhere.
And… are ready to go for another session.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Heavy, straight and sprint:
6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6
Front squats
15/12 - 15/12 - 15/12 - 15/12 - 15/12
Echo bike calories

These are supersets

A: For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 Hip snatch

Rest 2:00

For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 Hang snatch

Rest 2:00

For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 Snatch

B: 5 - 5 - 5
Overhead squats + 5s pause at bottom of final rep