Well how cool is this?? Seven folk stepping foot into the gym with the goal of making themselves bulletproof for whatever the future throws at them!

The Battle Cancer program has begun, 3 months of these bunch of legends learning how to kick arse from some of the best in the business.
If you see them cutting about, after your Saturday class, go and give them a massive sweaty hug!

Now you are not going to appreciate this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds of, every 2 minutes:
15/12 Assault bike calories
Max kettlebell swings (32/24kg)
Rest 3 mins between rounds

The goal is to beat Mikey B’s drop off, not an easy feat to achieve…

Bar muscle up
A: Kipping Practice

B: Bar muscle up practice

C: Accessories
3 Sets
12 V - ups
10 Strict chest to bar
5 Russian dips