Okay, okay, we’re good! Ish! Back to it and I reckon that I can survive, just!

I will book the shit out of that place, yet again for next year! The goal would be to talk to you all before being so pissed that I can’t really see past my own nose. That is the plan, let’s see if it happens!

Yesterday was proper emotional, and the thought of next years party already scares me!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 30 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
400m Run
500m Row

Long and gassy. How many rounds can you get? Pick a pace on the rower, and stick to it!

Handstand push-ups
1a: Freestanding handstand drills
1b: 5 Minute EMOM
5-10 reps

3 Sets
2a: 3 Handstand negatives
2b: 18 Hollow rocks
2c: 10 Pike push ups (deficit if possible)

3 Sets
3a: Max push ups (2 second pause at the bottom)
3b: 20 Stadler leg lifts to plate
3c: 5 Chin ups (2 second pause at top)