I promised you the Xmas party details today, and they will come out but… my laptop has died. F**K technology! And so not on this post.

I would still sort it if you could create events in private groups on your phone. If you can then someone show me how!

I will set this up tonight.

Anyway. What I can do from my phone is inform you all of the pain (fun) filled workout that graces you tomorrow. Here you go…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Odd: 4 Turkish Get-Ups
Even: 15 GHD sit-ups

B: For time:
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4
Handstand press up
20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4
Box over jumps (24/20”)

Toes to Bar

1. A) tabata toes to bar

2. 3 sets

A) 3 pull up negatives

B) 15 hollow rocks

C) max hanging L-sit or appropriate scale

3. 3 sets

A) Max ring rows

B) 12 single leg V-Ups

C) 20 plank shoulder taps