Well then, how was it? Vile hey?! I would way rather do the snatch alternative, Isobel. I actually think I can do that faster to. Which, makes no sense.

Now then, lets build some serious strength through massive chestnut cracking butt cheeks! Ready to wow the fam, in front of the fire, on Xmas day!

Lastly, there is a new focus for speciality. We are switching the classes to gymnastics. Tuesdays will be focused on developing the Handstand push up

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunge
10 - 8 - 6 - 8 - 10

Now then, these are increasing sets. Down and up reps. Build to heavy and attempt to stay heavy throughout.

Handstand push-ups
1. Tabata handstand push-ups

2. 3 Sets
A) 3 handstand push-up negatives
B) 20 stadler leg lifts

3. 3 Sets
A) Max push-ups
B) 30s handstand hold
C) 12 single leg V-ups