So, in order to clear up a few things, I will explain a little more about the Speciality class:

  1. This class is a stand alone, open to monthly memberships only.

  2. The programming will be running as an addition to the normal WoD classes. Meaning that if there is squatting during the daily workout and there is squatting in the Specialty class…good luck!

  3. The class is open for members to attend as well as a daily workout, but, caution…read above.

  4. The focus of the class will be set for 3 months. Tuesdays and Thursdays will have different programming. Joining half way through is entirely possible, and missing classes is expected and not a stress at all.

  5. Most of all. It will be fun and a way to hopefully improve on differing elements of CrossFit without losing capacity in the rest.

Anyway, back to the week and the first day…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A. Every minute on the minute, for 10mins:
1 - 5 strict handstand push ups

B. 5 rounds of:
Within 45s:
Max calorie row
Rest 2:15

Establish a heavy single for:
Squat snatch
