Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Wednesday 18th March, 2020

Firstly, I again appreciate the hoards of texts and messages of support that you legends have sent, I have tried to respond to each and every one of you individually and if I haven’t yet…it’s coming!
I also promise that once all this shit is done, we are going to throw a ginormous piss up and all scream FUCK CORONA…the virus not the beer!

Okay, so there are going to be some further changes to the gym’s operation. Although what is outlined below will be the “norm” for the foreseeable future, please remember…I am currently one of Boris Johnsons many puppets and this could all be different by this time tomorrow.
I am going to be 100% transparent and welcome any suggestions from you. We are after all a community and all want both the huge piss up mentioned above as well as a gym to come back to once this madness is all over!

We are going to stay open. But…are going to be like Marines on the implemented rules

Below I will attempt to be as clear as I possible can:

  • Yesterday’s release will be valid for the morning (Wednesday) with two 30min classes.

  • Please see below the new timetable, pictured below, to see further information:


So then. From 16:00 on Wednesday the 18th until it all changes again the following will be enforced. Please respect the policies outline below:

  • Daily workout will be allocated for the timings deleted above. Each class is limited to 10 athletes.

  • Athletes must book into each class by commenting on the WoD post released on the Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Members page WoD. No later than 21:00. Daily posts will be released earlier from now on to accommodate this and updated depending on latest government announcements.

  • No block booking will be considered. Should your plans change please respect others by commenting and making your place available.

  • Please remain outside of the gym until 5mins prior to your class start time.


  • Entering the gym will be by the right hand door only - marked entry.

  • Immediately wash your filthy mitts.

  • Keep contact to a minimum, no butt slapping please.

  • Athletes will have designated areas and equipment for the use during their workouts.

  • Once the workout is complete, each will be allocated 15mins to clean all used equipment ready for their fellow badass!

  • No changing or shower facilities will be provided until further notice.

  • Please leave the gym via opposite doorway having washed your hands prior.

Only one Trainer will be teaching at any one time and Ash and I will be working on a week on, week off basis in order to minimise the risk to ourselves. If we go down then we are all in the shit!


Weekly outings will be organised to compensate. Details of each will be released as and when.

I fully appreciate that mistakes will be made and things will go wrong, but please just keep switched on within the gym and respect the current climate. Many gyms, I am trying my best to ensure that I prevent that for as long as possible. If we work together we can beat this bullshit!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 2 minutes of:
20/15 Calorie bike
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Rest 4 mins between rounds
Repeat for 5 total rounds

For those of you who are confined to your homes

CrossFit Cardiff will be loaning out equipment, available from Thursday. All equipment must be signed out and returned within a day once requested back. One piece of equipment will be allocated per person and on a first come first serve basis.
Equipment will be reserved for those who are unable to attend classes.

Daily at home workouts will be posted as of Thursday and don’t worry, you won’t need a dog…

Until tomorrow, when it will all be different again. Stay safe legends, never trust a cough!