You lot, on Wednesday, across 3 classes I had 5 no shows. Folk who had booked into class and then just not showed up.
This is not cool and needs to stop please, especially when the class is full and even more so when the workout is just so fucking amazing (like today’s). I’d hate for folk to miss out.

Clearly, if you have a valid reason (all will be debated) that’s more than ok and I would always first ensure that you are ok. But please think of your fellow man/woman.
There is a feature to prevent any repeat offenders from booking into class at all for a short period but it would make me feel like a right muppet doing it. Don’t make me!

On another note, remember those awesome workouts I mentioned…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 Deadlifts (100/75kg)
5 Handstand push ups
10 Deadlifts (120/90kg)
10 Handstand push ups
5 Deadlifts (140/105kg)
20 Handstand push ups

Please get those times up to the whiteboard and get to the beach before the pump where’s off…
