Fun team? I hope that slight adjustment filled you with joy!

Anyway, it’s bonkers to think that a year ago today (tomorrow - 14th ) I was driving up to the midlands to pick up a drooling, vomiting and shitting furball destined for the long five week sit in at Number 51. Oppo was about to find out what fun Wales had to offer!
A year on and we are down a tennis ball or 50, the odd pillow, a Go Pro camera. He has peed on my motorbike and terrorised the surrounding neighbourhood, licked a set of chops or two and cleaned the fridge out of double cream! What a year! I wouldn’t change one second of it…ish!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
30 Double Unders
5 Hang clean and jerks (60/40kg)
10 Bar over burpees

Get those rounds and reps up to the white board please legends…

Oppo a year on.JPG