WoD - Wednesday 21st August, 2019
Wheelbarrow carries…is there a better way to test whether or not your buddy is actually your buddy?! I guess you could pretend that that shoe just fell off, honest! The Rogue and experienced CrossFitter just cracked the workout with his shoelaces untied, slipped right off and…face plant!
The rest of you, who actually like the person who’s clinched (to prevent unwanted and pungent smells making the movement even harder) butt cheeks are swaying around in front of you hold on…for dear life, to stop them finding out just what the floor tastes like!
True buddies!
Run fast, hold on and…listen to the coaches!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
Run 1 mile
4 Legless Rope Climb
Run 800m
3 Legless Rope Climb
Run 400m
2 Legless Rope Climb
Run 200m
1 Legless Rope Climb
Please ensure that you control your decent so that you have skin left on your hands, making writing your times up on the whiteboard possible!