Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 13th August, 2019

Tuesday and nearly a week after that hell on earth workout that Hannah programmed: Ass bike, thrusters and muscle ups. Two days shy of a week and I can just about, just about walk without having to lock my knee out prior to my foot touching the ground.
12 years i’ve been doing CrossFit, and other than one period off when I was on a residential course and could only really kettlebell swing, sprint and do muscles ups on the rings I’d strung up in a tree, i’ve been consistently training. Still I get crippling DOMs. I looked like a total bellend all weekend! Well, even more than normal!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Prior to today’s workout we will dedicate 15mins to improving the transition phase of the movement via a drill utilised by Pamela Gagnon. Check it out for reference…

For Time:
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Hang power clean (60/40kg)
Ring Muscle Up

Please get those times up to the whiteboard following the workout…
