WoD - Friday 2nd August, 2019
Thank F**K it’s Friday and the is NO more destruction of the shoulder joint!
Still, there is a slight possibility that I might be Suller in this workout, if of course half way around his second round run a large group of Valley Commandos screech their 17 seater mini-bus to a halt just as he is making the turn, rugby tackle him to the ground, sit on his face momentarily in an act of disorientation before dragging him back to the awaiting Aberdare bound pleasure bus. And, upon reaching his sordid destination (as well as en route) performs classic “valleys treats” which can only resemble sexual assault, dumping him back in the same location, energy sapped and far less of a man, but with his right nano lace untied.
Then, and only then, might I stand a chance of beating the whippet.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
30/25 Calorie Row
800m run
Get your times on the board please team, and remember THE GYM IS CLOSED FOR AN L1 this weekend…