Kelly is one of those old school, vomit inducing, “I don’t really have to drop this Wall Ball” kind of, leg punishing workouts that often causes significant cherry picking.
It did just that many years ago, in the old gym, when we had a complete no show for the old 7pm class, something that hadn’t happened in years.
The remedy was brutally simple. Those who picked the devilish fruit, were forced to perform the workout, until everyone had been through. It was easy. Either that or they were made to walk to the local weir and cleanse their sins!

Now I’m writing this on Monday afternoon, and so and hopeful that I will be dunking some of you in the Taff tomorrow!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 Rounds For Time:
10 Pull Ups
10 Toes To Bar

Gymnastic and GRIP central. Try and get your times up please…
