WoD - Monday 17th June, 2019
I am extremely excited. In fact, I am as excited as an excited person who…has a special reason to be excited! And the reason why…it is my week to deliver to you a small window into my sadistic mind, done so through some good old fashioned, shared suffering.
And you…are going to love it!
Hopefully you have had awesome weekends, relish tonight, the last time this week that you will find yourself not in excessive amounts of DOM’s induced “discomfort!” 😉❤️😘
It’s all for you!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time of:
6 Deadlift (70/50kg)
8 Power Cleans (70/50kg)
10 Shoulder To Overhead (70/50kg)
20 Pull Ups
Rest 3mins between Rounds…
Each round is designed to be a sprint where athletes are expected to hopefully move throughout with unbroken sets. Scale loads appropriately in order to achieve this.
Grit your teeth and push hard! If you are able to operate a whiteboard marker afterwards, then please record your times to the whiteboard…