You’d have thought that you lot would have learnt by now, the old saying, you know…don’t judge a book by it’s cover!
Luckily for me though, nothing fills me with quite as much joy as watching legends like The G-Man walk into the 6:30am class (well at 6:38, “quietly”) laid back and smoking a cigar as he has read the workout the night before and clearly is about to “crush” it!

The only problem is that when you attempt to do double unders after a 20 Calorie assault bike sprint, you can’t! And, you get this stupid look on your face when realisation sets in…you’ve done it again haven’t you. You have allowed yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security and as round one draws to a close, you understand…this time you truly have f**ked it up! But, it won’t be long before you do it again!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 rounds for time:
7 Toes To Bar
7 Push Jerk (60/40kg)

Amazing amounts of PB’s for the one rep max, now get gassy and stacked ready for the beach. Times to the whiteboard please…

Oscar and Danny watching G-man after round one, with the Coach looking on!

Oscar and Danny watching G-man after round one, with the Coach looking on!