Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Easter Monday, 22nd April, 2019

I seriously hope that you are all enjoying your REST day, only enforced by me as the gym has been closed, making Easter Egg hunts possible!
I’m sure however, that you have all rather than take a break, discovered a variety of ways to kick your own arses to intensity. Go and get smashed, chill, and eat some chocolate. The fitness will wait until another day.

Like tomorrow for example…the opening times are as follows:

10:00 - 11:00: Open Gym
11:00 - 12:00: WOD
12:00 - 13:00: Yoga

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

30 Devils Press Box Step Overs (50/35lbs)
50m Handstand Walk
1km Run

Get those scores on the board and get out into the sunshine, enjoy!

On another note, the wonderful human being who is programming for you this weekend is also one hell of a dab hand with a pencil…