Now I need you lot to listen very carefully, I am going to provide you all with some serious information...batten down the hatches, call your bosses to let them know that there is no way you can make it into work, go to your local supermarket and empty the’s a little windy outside! Storm Big, Bad, Gazza is here and here to say!
In fact, BBC Weather has issued this statement...
- Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer.
It’s going to be tough, it will likely get worse before it gets better! But, I’m sure we can get though this. Don’t be a ginormous muppet like the rest of the country and you should be ok...but maybe huddle together for warmth!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 Rounds, within 3 minutes complete:
Run 400m
Max effort box jumps (24/20”)
Rest 3mins between rounds
Hobble those calves on over to the whiteboard and record reps per round please legends…
WE’re all buggered now!