This is it. The teams have been drawn and we are set ready to rock. You lot have come up trumps and put your fitness money where your fitness mouths are, and are set to conduct said fitness in an organised manner! We…can’t wait!

If it is at all possible, could you maybe leave your judging clip boards all over the gym for the next five weeks for me please! Pencils too, that would be amazing and fill me full of joy, fully completing my day! 😉

Anyway - let me get to the only reason you clicked on this post tonight…the 2019 in house CrossFit Games Open, Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Team Roster…

Team “I Would be Blue too” Blue
Alex Conroy
Hannah Rochards
Jack Sealey
Daisy Brice
Hugh Marwick
Joe Stout
Christie Sullivan
Nick Webb
Callum Conway
Oliva Duffin (C)
Joseph Brill
Rhidian Thomas
Leah Smith
Danny Candy
Grace Barlow
Jay Brockwell
Dave Di Parma
James Hewett
Siân Lavis
Al Dironato

Team Red(neck MoFo’s)
Ash Phillips
Melissa Jenkins
David Morgan
Darren Boycott
Alfie Reed
Jo Knight (C)
Liam Addy
Jack Wright
Can Kolbakir
Hamish Watkins
Alice Chew
Stuart Hamish
Aris Zinatis
Jade Katz
Tom Walker
Jen Taylor
Lily Glover–Wright
Mike Bartlett
Gareth Carroll
Adam Rifin
Allison Con

And finally, could I have a drum roll please. Dust the red carpet off, and behold your winners…

Team “Is there any point in actually having the open” Lean Machines, all dressed in (I’d better get some Green shorts soon…) Green
Davs Dennis
Shaun Suller
Gemma Verallo
Jen Pope
Oscar Notely
Marc Matthews
Kirsty Lightowler
Chris Hughes
Nick “I love a Toes To Bar - especially in The Open” Griffin (C)
Andy Phillips
Rachel Colclough
Rupert Ironside-Smith
Xiaowen “X-man” Wu
Nicole Hagen
Ellie Lewis
Megan Piper
Rowan Cooke
Fadi Baydoun
Darryl Griffiths
Sara Rudd

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Press Ups 
15ft Handstand Walk (approx 5m)

Please write rounds and reps to the whiteboard….

Open essentials.jpg