WoD - Tuesday 10th December, 2019
Okay so work this one out…
I’m sat in Barcelona waiting to board the British Airways 20:00 flight to London’s Heathrow airport, delayed and now set to depart at 20:45 while…watching the passengers of the 20:30 British Airways flight to London’s Heathrow airport smugly board for an on time departure.
Standard implementation of some Sunday night f**kery from the travel gods!
Towards the end of this year, they have not been my friends.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For total completed reps, 4 rounds of:
50s on, 10s off
40s on, 20s off
30s on, 30s off
20s on, 40s off
10s on, 50s off
Clean and Jerks (60/40kg)
Please post the number of completed reps to the whiteboard…