If you are lucky enough, you may well get a glimpse of a pure killer, trained in the art of stalking, you won’t even know he’s there. Crawling into position, like a Commando, using the shadows as cover so that he can pounce, when you least expect it…using his tongue, the weapon of choice…to lick you to death!
Oppo is in the house. More and more as the days go on, be sure to plan ample time for cwtches as well as cleans. Don’ worry though, you’ll get just as much out of your session, so long as you can avoid the deadly puppy dog eyes!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
10 rounds for time (You Go I Go):
50 Double Unders
20 Burpees
Please scrape your sorry asses off the deck and write your times on the whiteboard…