WoD - Friday 18th January, 2019
The last day of the week, come in and thoroughly smash yourselves prior to heading out for the weekend to see if you can get so drunk that you make your eyes bleed and as a result of your antics, decide to take refuge and hide in your own right shoe after attempting to deadlift your drinking partners car. Great night!
Don’t forget, there is a workout at Roath park, on Saturday at 10:00am. And, yoga at 5:30pm on Sunday night. Apparently Liv is gonna go easy on you, not something which I agreed to!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 6 minutes of:
2 Hang Power Clean (90/60kg)
4 Toes To Rings
6 Burpee Box Jump @ 24/20
Rest 3mins
Repeat the AMRAP, but as 8 minutes.
Once you have replaced the skin from your thumbs, please write two separate scores up on the whiteboard…