WoD - Monday 6th August, 2018
Happy Monday team. It's not a bad thing, juuuuust another opportunity to get back into the box and start kicking ass at more and more brutal workouts. This week, Suller is your Grim Reaper, I mean Mad Professor.
Now I think this is the first time in the history of his time programming for the box, that he has not included TTB. Don't worry though, there are loads of kick ass gymnastics and ridiculously challenging movements!! And...I LOVE it!!
Come in, rather than get psyched out by the movements, rather give them a huge middle finger and pee straight, headlong into the wind...
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats (Right arm - 50/35lbs)
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats (left arm - 50/35lbs)
Please, rock up, kick ass and write your bad ass times on the whiteboard once you have!