Amazing effort yesterday team, as well as the dedication and attendance on Saturday! You lot are truly wonderful humans! How the hell could anyone attending not want to join your ranks? I certainly would!

I have some house keeping for you guys. Both Ash and I are traveling to Madrid in order to volunteer at the Meridian regional, another opportunity to make him do more calories on the ass bike; more than likely less however, as he has quickly reached the dizzy heights of "Lead Judge!" 
Some gym timings are therefore altered. This is your reference:

Wednesday - 09:30am CLASS CANCELLED
Thursday - 08:00 - 11:00 OPEN GYM

Everything else is as per normal. I apologise for any inconvenience. Big love, Davs. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 30mins, each a 1 rep max of: 
Hang Power Snatch

A purely heavy day, turn up the music, have a blast and lift some big tin!! Slap each other on the ash when you PB and right before you write your new loads, big and bold and in red pen on the whiteboard...

Buddy buddy Throwdown .jpg