Just so you know, "Biceps Like Briggs" Sam Briggs, completed a workout similar to today's, at the 2014 European regional in 4:31! Now I know that the distance of the run was less, they ran 200 yards (which is still 182m) per round and so a total of 2000 yards. Meaning that over the total workout she ran 172m less than you Jimi. And, just so you know, Brigsy is kind of good at running! That is truly crazy and a massive demonstration about how mental these games athletes are.
For a men's comparison, Ez Muhammad finished in 3:33!!! 3:33!!! See it here
Even though lots of research and effort went into writing the above statement. Just after doing so I was visited by the Measurements Police. Actually, the Regional Event wasn't 200 yards, but 200 ft. That makes way more sense... But...they are still f**king fit!
The true identity of the Measurement Police has been disguised in an attempt to protect his livelihood.
Anyway, back to the real world. Just to remind you lovely lot. The gym will be closed this weekend due to a CrossFit Training Level 1. 50 budding new trainers entering the world.
However, Al and Han have selflessly volunteered to grab some dumbbells and take them to Roath park in order to give you a good kicking. The WOD begins at 10:00am and will involved the usual Saturday workout fun!
Last instalment of Ash's week. Hopefully the crippling DOMs from Monday's introduction to Barbara have faded enough to allow you to actually enjoy this one...
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds:
Within 2 mins, complete:
20/15 Cal Row
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
Rest 4mins between rounds
Check out the CrossFit Cardiff Instagram page for information of just how to get your own back, right after you have written your reps on the board...