"Coach, how can 90 seconds get me fit??" Well, if it doesn't then it hurts a ridiculous amount for schweeeet FA. "Coach....it hurts!!!"  

Anyway...two important things today. Easter Weekend opening and hours and 18.6 parts C and D.

Easter Openning Hours

Good Friday - 10:00 - 13:00 (WoD Class at 11am)
Saturday - 09:30 - WHENEVER (Funky throw down)
Easter Sunday - CLOSED (Sorry - Find some space and do...*)
Bank Holiday Monday - 10:00 - 13:00 (WoD Class at 11am)

*5 Rounds for time:
15 Burpees
30 Air Squats

The most important part of this post...


Part C

From minute 25 to minute 40
3 Team members will establish a 1 Rep-max Snatch
Any style snatch is allowed. 

Part D
From minute 40 to minute 52
3 Team members will Perform an AMRAP of:
400m Run
1 athlete to be running at any one time. 

Until tomorrow...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Each round for time, of:
Row 500
Row 400
Row 300
Row 200
Row 100
1:1 rest, where possible.

Write each individual distance time to the whiteboard...

Sir Steven Redgrave The man with the golden oars_thumbnail.jpg