Hands up if you have no idea what day it is!! Yep, me too. Anyway, there are a few funky days between the Xmas festivities and the banging New Years Parties! Where, yet again, you will all be eating too much and drinking waaaaay too much! All just deserved of course!

Why not though, give yourself a couple of days of fun and fitness to top up your cravings before the new year officially begins and you can chase those illustrious goals with the new help from CrossFit Cardiff’s brand new timetable; all kicking off on the 7th.

For now, just remember tomorrow’s opening times:

WoD: 09:30 - 10:30
Open Gym: 15:00 - 17:00
WoD: 17:00 - 18:00
WoD: 18:00 - 19:00

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time:
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
15 Pull ups

Rest 10mins

3 Rounds for time:
9 Thrusters (40/30kg)
9 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Once you’ve done Fran, rested and then done Fran, please write your scores to the whiteboard, before bugging out to drink and eat some more…
