Another amazing group of folk filled the gym all weekend to learn some cool shit from some legends! 40 new L1 Trainers who now have the ability to go out and use those tools to help others gain results that they didn’t even know they wanted!

There was one glitch in the matrix however, and guess who it came from…

Gregg ASHWELL tucking into a delicious Pizza on his L1!!! And he ate as much shit for it for the rest of the weekend! ;-)

Gregg ASHWELL tucking into a delicious Pizza on his L1!!! And he ate as much shit for it for the rest of the weekend! ;-)

Lets start the week with a bang…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
12 - 6 - 3
Squat Snatch (60/70/80 - 40/50/60kg)
Ring Muscle Up

Short, fast, and complex…go hard from the word go, suicide pace. Be aggressive and get after it! But then…smile and write your times to the whiteboard…