My hands are up, sorry morning crew!! The part B turned out to be too long, with such a drop in intensity, that I made the decision to shorten the AMRAP to 8mins. And guess hurt a lot!! 

Apologies you ninjas, but even after 10 years of programming CrossFit WoDs, I still get things wrong. Always learning! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time:
10 Thrusters (60/40kg)
7 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 200m

Accessory Program
4 x 5 eccentric ring rows - horizontal for added difficulty (1s/5s down)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg stays down
10 Narrow Stance air squats
Superset between Set 2 and 3:
30 Wall hip drives per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg pointing up
10 Narrow Stance air squats
Superset between Set 3 and 4:
1min Per leg Single Leg plate ankle stretch (toe on a plate, knee driven forward)
10 Narrow Stance air squats
Superset following Set 4:
1min Per leg Single Leg plate ankle stretch (toe on a plate, knee driven forward)
10 Narrow Stance air squats

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:

10 Kip swings, 5 kips
5 Kipping Pull Ups - focus is to squeeze feet together and keep tension in the abs throughout
5 GHD Back Extensions
10 Wall Squats (5-1-0). This is tempo, down - static hold bottom - up
5 GHD Back Extensions
5 Kipping Pull Ups - focus is to squeeze feet together and keep tension in the abs throughout
10 Kip swings, 5 kips
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained

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