I would like to say a huge thank you to two f**king cool people, Al Conroy and Hannah Richards. Together they plotted and planned weekend fitness domination, coupled with all the meat and good times! Thank you both, you are truly integral to the box and I hope continue to be for many years to come. 

Big love, 

Big congrats to all those who put themselves out there and kicked some butt, and I'm sure they will thank all those who gave up their time to come down and support their quest of success during competitive fitness. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:
20 Deadlifts (60/40kg)
20 Pull Ups
15 Clean & Jerks (60/40kg)
15 CTB Pull Ups
10 Squat Snatch (60/40kg)
10 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Clean & Jerks (60/40kg
15 CTB Pull Ups
20 Deadlifts (60/40kg)
20 Pull Ups

Please post times to the white board...

