Two days into Hashtag HanFit and my legs are killing me! NOT looking forward to crawling out of bed on Saturday morning! 
I am however, not in as much pain as young Ash. He looked in such disarray during todays workout that I was forced to selflessly attempt to inject him with some morale. On the return of the 600m run, I with no concern for my own personal safety,  "tripped" and , threw myself to the floor.
Although I sustained minor and utterly intentional injuries, the fall, even if it looked quite spectacular was pure drama. It didn't hurt one bit. Commando rolling back to my feet I was back in the game, and as per design now behind the young pad wan; the pain coursing through his body now a thing of the past.

The final result:
Ash - 11:18
Davs - 11:17
I mean I could actually let him beat me! ;-) 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Calorie Row
GHD Sit Up
Kettlebell Swings (24/20kg)

Rest 8mins

9 - 15 - 21
Kettlebell Swings (24/20kg)
GHD Sit Up
Assault Bike Calories

Please write times from the two separate sections to the whiteboard...
