The Partner League is over for now, sorry! What an amazing few weeks, with a kick ass day of fun and fitness to top it all off. Saturday went a little nuts; who knew that you could neck a can of punk IPA and not vomit while doing weighted GHD sit ups! I hope you’re hang overs haven’t been too aggressive today.
The day was so successful because of you, the people attending! You are all f**king legends and...we f**king love you!!
Back to another week of top end fitness. Beginning with a mid-distance sprint.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
20 - 18 - 16 - 14... - 4 - 2
10 - 9 - 8 - 7... - 2 - 1
DB Snatch (50/35lbs)
Chest To Bar Pull - ups
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