OUCH!!! That hurt AND was fun, the beauty of CrossFit. Forearms on FIRE!!
I just want to take a second to thank you lovely lot for such an amazing birthday gift! I was a little blown away by, to say the least, by the generosity and am massively grateful!
Rogue delivered the sexy little bastard today, and I used it straight away in today's WoD. It definitely made the weights feel lighter!!
Love you all and thank you again!
Davs. Xxx
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 KB Swings (32/24kg)
20 GHD Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
Scaled Version (merely food for thought):
First we scale load, then volume (either overall or specific, and only then movements)
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Low ring Muscle Up Transitions (rings set to a height that makes the movement taxing)
10 Russian Swings (Head height) (24/16kg)
20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
30s of attempting double unders
Please post times to the white board....
Sexy as F**K!!!