So much awesomeness at our box over the weekend!!
I loved seeing you all pushing yourselves and more importantly enjoying yourselves! Loads of new faces since our last throwdown too…
So many stand out moments! Some that stuck in my mind were:
- A very pregnant Lizzy Wood, smashing her way through all the workouts and loving life
- All the women on the C&J ladder!
- Jimi generally being a stud
- Those burpees on WOD 1 feeling pretty far from ‘hops’ and more like ‘climbs’; and
- More Hog Roast than we knew what to do with!
Thanks also to CrossFit Bull for being awesome guests, great competitors and treating our gym with respect. Loved having you guys down.
Congrats to Hannah, Cath and Mair on finishing on the Podium for the girls and Owen, Jimi and Dunc for the guys well deserved.
And finally a massive thank you to Brad Rivers for dreaming up, planning and executing an awesome event. Despite his laid back exterior and general “No Fucks Given” demeanour he actually put quite a bit of thought and consideration into this and it is no accident that it turned out to be a great day. With this in mind, we can forgive his “Oscar acceptance” like speech at the end of the day and “Generation Game” like rundown of the prizes on offer…… ;)
Aaaaaaanyway. Back to work, and we welcome 5 new On Ramp graduates! If you see one loose in the wild, please go and give them a cwtch.
Monday Partner WOD (Adopt an On Ramper)
A: 5 rounds for time:
- 10 STOH@70/50
- 20 Med Ball Cleans@20/14 (2 lucky men can try 30lbs)
Both do 5 rounds each, both work at the same time: Partner 1 starts on the STOH and partner 2 on the Med Balls. Rotate when both are complete.
- Accumulate 2 mins in an L-sit hold
- Between 4x15 hip extensions