CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party payment deadline Saturday 10th December!
Everyone is welcome to attend as long as you've paid. Details can be found on the Facebook event page, here's the link
Part A
Spit jerk 1 Rep Max
After the 1RM clean & jerk a couple of weeks ago it was clear that split jerks were generally something people didn't have experience doing. So this is a chance for you guys to work on it! See Below a video of Dmitry Klokov split jerking 245kg!!!
Part B
For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Hang power clean (60/40)
- Shoulder to overhead (60/40)
Each set must be completed unbroken! Once all the 10 cleans followed by all the 10 STOH are completed you can drop the bar. Pick the bar up and do the same for the 9's and 8's and so on until you finish on 1 clean and 1 STOH.