WOD - Wednesday 22nd July
Awesome show today. I think it went something like this: Pre-WOD: "I don't think I'll be able to do that weight" During the WOD: "That first one felt ok, don't think about it too much though" After the Final Rope Climb "I have to try that final weight or it'll bug me" After Final C&J "PB! PB! PB! PB!..... never in doubt"
All of you tried the scary weight and really went for it. THAT is what matters. The weight is different for everyone, but the attitude was the same. It was great to see.
Also, lets just take a moment to reflect on the genius that was Brad's amazing barbell grid. Well played my friend.
Tomorrows WOD is taken from the 2012 Games Masters Division (55-59 year old)
10 Deadlifts (110kg/70kg) 20 Pull-ups 30 Box jumps (24"/20") 40 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 50 Double-unders 40 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 30 Box jumps (24"/20") 20 Pull-ups 10 Deadlifts (110kg/70kg)
Some times to beat:
Men 8.58 (Rick Rodriquez - Age 57) Women 11.07 (Diana Davidson- Age 56)