Lt Gareth Jenkins - 8th June 2015
Lt Gareth Jenkins A Royal Marine trainee who died on a training exercise in Dartmoor has been named as Lt Gareth Jenkins. Gareth was a member of our friends in CrossFit NW1 and they have written a workout to honour his memory.
Lt Jenkins, from Colwyn Bay, Conwy, collapsed at the Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, Devon, while on a 30-mile (48km) march on Thursday 28th May.
A Royal Navy spokesman said: "The thoughts and sympathies of the naval service are with his family and friends at this time."
Lt Jenkins, who was in his mid-20s, died during the so-called "30-miler" march, the last major test undertaken as part of the 32-week Commando course.
Trainees must complete it carrying at least 32lbs (15kg) of equipment in a maximum time of eight hours.
Gareth Jenkins...
AMRAP 40, in pairs:
50 Burpees Run 400m together 50 Kettlebell Swings (24kg/16kg) Run 400m 50 Pull ups Run 400m 50 Push ups Run 400m