WoD - Thursday 7th August 2014
Ok, so the first thing on the agenda tonight is WHO THE FUCK HAS THE TIMER REMOTE which of you lovely folk has inadvertently put the timer remote in their gym bags or hidden it in their special place about the gym? Confess now and you shall only receive one torrent of abuse! Secondly, i'd like to describe just how awesome the vibe was at the box during the on ramp session, again tonight! And more to the point, bring back the awesomeness of "Out of the mouth of On Rampers!!" Tonights was an utter classic! When teaching the push jerk on asked..."before i jump, do i have to dip?" Love it!
Now i want all of you reading this to stand up, concentrate as hard as you can, now jump - HIGH....but DON'T DIP!!!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A 3 Rounds not for time of:
10 Cal row 20 Wall Balls (14/20lbs) 30 Double Unders
B: Within 3mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders
Rest 2mins
C: Within 6mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders
Rest 3mins
D: For time:
25 Box jumps (24/20") 25 Jumping pull ups 25 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg) 25 Walking Lunges 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press (20kg) 25 Back extensions 25 Wall balls (20/14lbs) 25 Burpees 25 Double unders
Please post scores and times to comments.....