Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Monday 30th June 2014

So it's midnight in Helsinki and still broad day light, this country is awesome!! If every thing was open I would be given the gift of time! Legit! The only problem with this is that you become delirious with lack of sleep and some how forget to take a spare change of shorts to the Finnish sauna; a remarkable place where folk wear exceedingly revealing attire (when they really have no place in doing so), don wooly hats to sit in a sauna which reaches 85 degrees celsius and plunge themselves into icy water afterwards! Cracking fun and absolutely does NOT cause you to drift off whilst driving 2 hours back to the airport, narrowly avoiding a ditch which would of almost certainly caused death and destruction to the hire car and it's snoring occupants! Perfectly safe way to end your day! F**king relaxing though!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time: Run 800 meters 75 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg) Row 500 meters 60 Wall balls (20/14lbs) Run 800 meters 45 Pull Ups

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