WoD - Wednesday 28th May 2014
So I just want to say a serious well done to the 6pm class who, ran out the door moments before a huge down pour! It wasn't funny AT ALL, but none of you whined; just cracked on and got wet! The thing is though, 'Kelly' sucks right, it sucks just as much in the rain as it does in the dry. It doesn't really matter. Pain is pain! Good on you guys, give yourselves a wet pat on the back and be sure to dry your hair or may catch a cold! ;-)
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Bulletproof shoulder and The Coach B Warm up.
B: Clean and Jerk
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
C: For time:
50 Strict ring dips. (NO KIP - strict!! Build some strict strength)
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