WoD - Wednesday 14th May 2014
So I received a text message today from a particularly cheeky member, telling me that he was planning to have a BBQ and project the regionals event onto the wall of the gym. Fair enough, I like the idea! And so that is what is going to happen. I am not sure what time it will take place, nor what you as attendees will be required to do; you'd better ask the man with more neck than E.T's balaclava...Ryan Hill! ;-)
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Spend 10 mins working on a gymnastics skill of your choice
B: 5 Rounds each for time of:
Row 500m Rest 3mins
C: 3 Rounds not for time of:
15 Hip Extensions Rest 60s 15 Back Extensions Rest 60
In other news, these little beauties will be available from tomorrow night onwards. Limited numbers and sizes so you'd better grab them while they are hot!
Prices are as follows:
Men's and womens Tees - £25 Womens Vests - £20