WoD - Tuesday 14th January 2014
Come and learn Olympic lifting from the best, continue to build on your skills if you have already been on the course, it's open to everyone. Michaela will be teaching a 6 week course starting on the Thursday 23rd of January at 6pm. Be coached by the best in the country, who wouldn't want that? £40 for 6 weeks. Contact a coach by email, phone or comment on the Facebook page post. Payment will be taken up front in order to reserve your spot.
Don't miss out!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Spend 15mins working on a gymnastic skill of your choice
B: EMOM for 12mins:
3 Power Cleans (Touch & Go) 2 STOH
C: 3 Rounds for form of:
15 Hip Extensions Rest 60s 10 Hip & Back Extensions Rest 60s 5 Strict TTB (legs to be as straight as possible)
Please post loads to comments....