So...what an amazing effort by everyone involved with today's marathon row!! Everyone who did it were complete rock stars! Jack, thank you for keeping me going with your impromptu half marathon when you only got on for 10K. And then coming back to the box, all proper like, to take pictures and offer out treats!! Phil, THANK YOU for the awesome coaching pre and during the row! I think without your words of wisdom our respective bits would be far more painful!

Hendy, you're projector saved our morale, a proper entertainer and a real DIVA once actually rowing! THANK YOU buddy!

Woody!! THANK YOU for the amazing massage post row!! It sorted us right out! And thank you for letting me wrestle "The Punisher" within minutes of stepping off of the evil concept 2!! It was the best kind of cool down!

THANK YOU to all that gave generous donations, we raised over £200!! Not bad for a few hours work!

Lastly, and it will be as typing is KILLING my fingertips (my fingernails are in the locker after a marathon row, weird!) THANK YOU to everyone who gave up their Sunday's to come down and cheer us through. It almost certainly would've been far harder if you hadn't of been there!!

Our community grew a little closer today, shared pain helps everything! I mean i even heard LJ fart for the first time this afternoon! ;-)

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 15mins of gymnastic goat work, i'd suggest something to do with kipping and being upside down

B: "J.T."

For time: 21 - 15 - 9 HSPUs Ring Dips Press Ups

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