WoD - Tuesday 23rd May, 2023
As you all already know (as I’m sure you’ve read the facebook post) we have a bank holiday this coming Monday and are therefore doing the workout “Murph” a tradition within the CrossFit community as a whole. It will be extremely challenging and you will be needing some significant morale to keep you going.
I firmly suggest not arriving to the gym hung over to do it but, there is no true to the rumour going around that the workout must be completed as a 100, 200, and 300 fashion.
The morale of the story… don’t listen to what Tom Walker says!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Overhead squat
5 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 5
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes
1 Strict ring muscle ups, 4 ring dips, 1 negative ring muscle up.
3 Sets
5 Strict chest to ring strict pull up
10 Dumbbell bench press
10 Weighted tuck up