WoD - Tuesday 24th January, 2023
Well then, now none of you can walk or stand up straight, you are ready for what you will likely be feeling like for each week of the open.
Info about said body crushing event will be coming out soon. As well as my massively enjoyable process of getting the gym registered as competing affiliate (the sarcasm is real but only because it is potentially more complicated than buying a house) and completing the 2023 judges course! Happy days!
The open is always a shit ton of fun though… it really is!
Anyway, back to the week!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
200m run
20 Shoulder to overhead (40/30kg)
400m run
15 Shoulder to overhead (50/35kg)
800m run
10 Shoulder to overhead (60/40kg)
A: Ring muscle up progressions
B: 3 Sets of:
15 Support ring swings
15 Bottom support ring swings
5 - 10 Kipping ring dips
5 - 10 Strict ring pull ups