WoD - Wednesday 15th June, 2022
RX’d is tough, and it is supposed to be. Do not stress about it. The very best in our community will have to scale sometimes, I mean maybe not the savage that is Tia, but I’d suggest that there is a workout out there that even she would struggle with.
Maybe load, maybe a skill (RX isn’t just load), is beyond your capability. Cool, that is exactly why we scale. Using a variety of options, dedicating time to working on difficult movements during the class warm up… the intent is to be able to get RX.
The day will come, when you get not just your first muscle up, but the 5 per round as prescribed (thats what RX means) in the workout, along with the stated load and most importantly… with the desired stimulus…
If Fran takes me 12 minutes, but I did every thruster at 95lbs and my chin cleared the bar each time I’d tell you it’s not RX. It hurts, for sure, but no where near as much as a 2:30 Fran does.
A commitment to the method will get you there. The fun part is the trying!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds, each for time:
200m Run
Rest 1 minutes
250/200m Row
Rest 4 minutes